Transform Your Bedroom: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Laminates

Transform Your Bedroom: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Laminates

Our bedroom is our safe space, our sweet little sanctuary. Therefore, designing this particular space can often prove to be quite challenging, as mixing different hues and textures to create a harmonious and functional room that allows relaxation and comfort is not an easy feat. So, what do we do? Choose bedroom laminates. Experts and interior designers around the world choose to work with laminates, when designing bedrooms, as laminate sheets offer creativity,...

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Importance of laminate door skin for interiors

Importance of laminate door skin for interiors

When we think of doors or windows, most of us often ignore the design aspect and jump straight into the inspection mode – “Is it durable enough?” “Is it sturdy enough?” Now, while, security is the most important factor here, we should not overlook the role it plays in home décor; especially if you have put a lot of effort into curating a unique look for your casa.So, if you want to add architectural detail that spills style in every room, you...

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Customizing Spaces with Printed Fabric Laminates

Customizing Spaces with Printed Fabric Laminates

Combining creative ideas with modern design materials often leads us to extraordinary results. Another way to achieve remarkable solutions is by collaborating with India’s most premium laminate brand – Royale Touché. The brand offers a wide selection of luxury laminates in a plethora of colours and textures, which can be used for different creative projects in both residential and commercial settings. What are fabric laminates?Laminated fabrics are;...

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Fluted wood: The new trend in the Laminate world!

Fluted wood: The new trend in the Laminate world!

Are you in the mood to spruce up your living space? Are those beautiful corners in your home no longer satisfying or inspiring your interior dreams? Do you feel bored looking at that wall colour that used to be your favourite, a few years ago? Well, then it’s time to invite sophistication and new trends into your home by adding fluted panels.But first, let’s understand what is fluting.Fluting is a popular ancient technique used in architecture, where a series of shallow...

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